just another road

just another road

Friday, July 11, 2014


This is something I constantly find myself struggling with...seriously, just talk to my husband.  If you were to ask him what my weaknesses are, he would probably say that indecision is on the top of the list...Actually, he is really nice, so he would probably tell you "she's perfect." Ha-ha, isn't that funny?

I know some people make a list of pros and cons on a yellow legal pad, wait, that's wrong.  Who am I kidding? No one uses legal pads...I believe there is an app for that. Ok, let me start over: I am sure many people use their digital devices to make a list of pros/cons, or perhaps they have a better memory and do this mentally (I err on this side, but I don't always remember the list I made, so it isn't the most effective process). Sometimes, the decisions are not that difficult, or at least they shouldn't be.

Should I wear my Toms or my flip flops? Do I want a blizzard with Reeses or Heath?  Am I going to study today or take on that mess in my yard? Red or white wine? But then there are the harder decisions: Do I take this job? Do we move across the country? How do I confront someone I care about regarding this or that? Should I take on this new leadership role? How do we know what God wants us to do?

I often hear people say things like: What is the universe telling you to do? Are you sure about this? What feels right? Or, for the Christian, maybe this is a sign from God?  Have you prayed about it?  God will lead you.

I just don't know.  There is so much I don't know, or don't understand in life, in scripture...scripture?  I think that is where I need to start.

It seems that we can look at the life of Jesus. What did HE do? What did HE say?  How can I implement that into my life?

Unless there is a clear moral answer, can we ever really know what God 'wants' us to do?  I'm not sure, but I think we can use the information we have to make a well-informed decision.  I'm still working on this Biblically, and trying to figure out how to incorporate prayer and how to 'listen' to God in these situations.  This thought is still a work in progress, but here is what I have so far:

1) we should pray and ask God for wisdom
2) allow the Spirit to be our helper
3) seek counsel from other Godly people

James 1:5 suggests that we should ask God for wisdom.  This is much different then asking God to give us a 'sign' or to 'tell' us what to do.  In fact,God provides us with the resources we need, including those for decision making.

In John 14 Jesus promises that even in His absence He will be with us.  How you ask? The Holy Spirit! Jesus describes the Holy Spirit as a helper who will dwell within us. I don't know about you, but I can use all of the help I can get.. So thank God for the Spirit!

Then, Proverbs is filled with words about seeking wisdom and guidance. Proverbs 8:33 tells us, "Hear instruction and be wise, and do not neglect it."  We can seek counsel and advice from those who have gone before us, and from other Godly people. God has provided us with a community to benefit from one another through teaching, fellowship and discipleship. Yet another resource given to us by God - people!

Perhaps, if we pray and ask for wisdom, allow the spirit to reside within us, and seek counsel from other Godly people, God will provide enough.  God does not tell us to sit idly and wait for Him to decide for us.  So get out your legal pad, use the tools He has given and make decisions faithfully. 

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