I grew up in the Church. Looking back at my life, I cannot recall any times when I doubted the existence of God. As a younger Christian, I just assumed that most of my peers had similar experiences. I assumed they went to Church, at least for holidays like Christmas and Easter, and that they knew about the death and resurrection of Jesus, and what that meant for salvation. I assumed that everyone at least had an idea of who God is.
Of course, I was wrong. In fact, I really had no idea who God was.
Then, there was a time when I believed in Christ, but reveled in sin. Thinking back to this makes me feel weary. Somehow, I was able to find ways to justify my lifestyle. I convinced myself that the Bible was irrelevant and outdated, that all I need to know was the love that Jesus bore for us... and that living in sin wasn't actually denying God. I still believed; and that is really all that matters, right?
I knew little, and understood less.
Now, years later, I find myself more clearly recognizing the severity of my nature, and the severity with which I need Christ. This advent season I am taking time to reflect on the precious gift that God has bestowed upon on us. And a beautiful gift it is. God has been faithful to me regardless of where I am on my walk with Him. I have denied God more than I have accepted Him, yet it would seem that God still yearns for me to come to Him.
As I grow in spiritual maturity, I realize how little I actually know and understand. I am eternally thankful for a Father in heaven who is concerned with my holiness, so much so that he would send Jesus to sacrifice himself for our shortcomings. My hope is that God will continue to teach me and grow me, beyond this advent season and the next.
Christ will come again, and I hope that you will know Him too.
just another road

Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Whole30 In Review
Oops. I wrote most of this post within a few days of completing the Whole30, but didn't take the time to finish it until now (a little over 3 weeks post W30). So, here it is:
No more Whole30...just life after. What do I do now?
First, let me tell you how I feel. In one word: bittersweet.
Oh, and if you have been considering doing a Whole30, I highly recommend it! What are you waiting for?
I really love the way I am feel when I am in the smooth-sailing, cruising along, this is easy-peasy portion of the Whole 30. Let me give you a list of some of the health benefits I have experienced:
We finished our official Whole30 a couple weeks ago, and immediately jumped on an airplane to visit family in Denver. Initially, Jason intended to go to Denver for the Great American Beer Festival. It turns out tickets were impossible to come by, so instead we attended one all-day event visiting Oskar Blues and their various venues ranging from a hop farm, to bike fabrication shop to brewery tour (and that wasn't all!). We had lots of fun, but it also meant beer plus non-W30 compliant foods. While we ate pretty good for the remainder of the weekend, I continued being lax about choices and definitely enjoyed some wine and beer with the family. I should also mention that I came down with a head cold, so it is difficult to know what symptoms were a result of sickness versus food.
So, what were my symptoms? Like I said, hard to say since I wasn't feeling my best to begin with...and we were in Denver where you instantly feel dried out (no amount of chapstick was adequate). I was dehydrated, not sleeping well, and had a mild headache. I did notice that I was a bit more gassy than I was a few days previous (and that, I'm sure is not attributable to the head cold!). A few days later, after eating some dairy and bean products, I definitely felt some uncomfortable, hmm...let's call it 'gut action'... other than that, the most noticeable difference is the lethargy I feel. I can tell my energy levels are much higher when I eat W30. Little bumps on my arm that disappeared during W30 have since returned, and overall my skin just isn't looking quite as healthy as it did a month ago. I haven't done a proper reintroduction like I intended, so I haven't taken the time to learn which of the foods I should eliminate from my life entirely. I think that will be another adventure for another day.
While this adventure has helped me to further identify how much control food has over my life, it has not fixed my relationship with food. It has only been a few weeks, and I feel vulnerable.... the walls of the little cave where I shoved my sugar dragon are starting to crumble. One small jolt to the foundation and I might find myself diving head first into a tub of ice cream. Right now, I'm going to try to focus on finding balance in my life. Allowing myself small indulgences can be okay, I just can't allow the sugar dragon to let loose in those moments, I need to keep it safely confined so that it withers away...and maybe, someday the dragon will be no more.
I think, finding balance is key. And, locking up the dragon is not for the feint of heart.
No more Whole30...just life after. What do I do now?
First, let me tell you how I feel. In one word: bittersweet.
Oh, and if you have been considering doing a Whole30, I highly recommend it! What are you waiting for?
I really love the way I am feel when I am in the smooth-sailing, cruising along, this is easy-peasy portion of the Whole 30. Let me give you a list of some of the health benefits I have experienced:
- clear skin
- increased energy
- better sleep (less sweaty nights?)
- headaches nearly gone
- decreased moodiness
- no more bloating
- increased digestive performance (that's the nice way of saying 'good poop')
- decreased anxiety (this one is questionable)
- confidence (I think this ties closely with energy)
- mind feels more clear
- learning to listen to my body
We finished our official Whole30 a couple weeks ago, and immediately jumped on an airplane to visit family in Denver. Initially, Jason intended to go to Denver for the Great American Beer Festival. It turns out tickets were impossible to come by, so instead we attended one all-day event visiting Oskar Blues and their various venues ranging from a hop farm, to bike fabrication shop to brewery tour (and that wasn't all!). We had lots of fun, but it also meant beer plus non-W30 compliant foods. While we ate pretty good for the remainder of the weekend, I continued being lax about choices and definitely enjoyed some wine and beer with the family. I should also mention that I came down with a head cold, so it is difficult to know what symptoms were a result of sickness versus food.
So, what were my symptoms? Like I said, hard to say since I wasn't feeling my best to begin with...and we were in Denver where you instantly feel dried out (no amount of chapstick was adequate). I was dehydrated, not sleeping well, and had a mild headache. I did notice that I was a bit more gassy than I was a few days previous (and that, I'm sure is not attributable to the head cold!). A few days later, after eating some dairy and bean products, I definitely felt some uncomfortable, hmm...let's call it 'gut action'... other than that, the most noticeable difference is the lethargy I feel. I can tell my energy levels are much higher when I eat W30. Little bumps on my arm that disappeared during W30 have since returned, and overall my skin just isn't looking quite as healthy as it did a month ago. I haven't done a proper reintroduction like I intended, so I haven't taken the time to learn which of the foods I should eliminate from my life entirely. I think that will be another adventure for another day.
While this adventure has helped me to further identify how much control food has over my life, it has not fixed my relationship with food. It has only been a few weeks, and I feel vulnerable.... the walls of the little cave where I shoved my sugar dragon are starting to crumble. One small jolt to the foundation and I might find myself diving head first into a tub of ice cream. Right now, I'm going to try to focus on finding balance in my life. Allowing myself small indulgences can be okay, I just can't allow the sugar dragon to let loose in those moments, I need to keep it safely confined so that it withers away...and maybe, someday the dragon will be no more.
I think, finding balance is key. And, locking up the dragon is not for the feint of heart.
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Elephants Tomato Orange Soup
Sometimes, you want something warm and tasty. Sometimes, you want soup. Perhaps, most of the time you don't like soup. That's me. Most of the time, I'm not a fan of soup. I'll pass. Most of the time, I never quite feel satisfied with soup. You go through the whole labor of soup, and it takes me forever to slurp it down...and then, still hungry.
Anyways, here it is.
Elephants Tomato Orange Soup
recipe adapted from the blog of Elephants Delicatessen

- 1/4 cup clarified butter or coconut oil
- 1/2 medium onion, diced
- 2 (14 1/2 ounce) cans diced tomatoes
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon cracked black pepper
- 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
- 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
- 3/4 cup fresh orange juice
- 1/4 cup water
- 1/2 cup coconut milk
- In a saucepan, melt coconut oil or butter; add onion and sauté until translucent.
- Add tomatoes, salt, pepper, baking soda and thyme. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer uncovered about 15 minutes or until slightly thickened.
- Puree in a food processor or blender (I used an immersion blender and left some chunks for texture; if you want it smooth you can also strain your soup here).
- Return to saucepan and stir in orange juice and water. (You could use a full cup of orange juice here and omit the water; I wanted to dilute the sweetness of mine a bit).
- Add the coconut milk and adjust seasonings if necessary (I added an extra splash of coconut milk to make the soup a little thicker and creamier). You can drizzle coconut milk from your measuring cup or can for a decorative look.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Half Marathon
If you had asked me a year ago, I would have claimed that there was no way you could ever get me to participate in a half marathon. 13.1 miles? Yuck. Euw. What's the point?
Well, two days ago I completed one.
I am having a lot of mixed emotions. I am mildly glad that it is done, but mostly I feel disappointed, angry, ashamed, and I'm actually a bit embarrassed to be writing this post. I hope no one reads it. If you can't tell, my pride is quite bruised.
This is a challenge for me...I had always talked about how COOL it would be for me to do a half marathon. I hate running long distance, but this would really push me to the limits. I would train. Perhaps I would even start to like running... and then, I might call myself a runner. So I did it, I signed up to be a runner.
That word. Runner. I feel like so much is attached to this word. It must mean you are in shape. You can run distances that normal people only dream of. You are fast. You are strong. People would look to you in awe when you tell them you just did a quick 6 mile run (or more!). You smile as your feet hit the pavement and you feel the breeze on your cheeks. You are at peace, in a world full of chaos. It would mean you are so many things that you are not, right now.
Okay, so that was cheesy, but do you get what I'm saying?
It's a lie. And I fell for it.
I ran a half marathon, and afterwards I didn't feel like a runner. I am not impressed with myself. I have all sorts of excuses as to why my run didn't go as I had wanted it to. However, that's all they are - excuses. Now they are just little bits and pieces of irrelevant information. I'm not really a competitive person... I used to be, back before I had hips and could eat whatever I wanted without ever feeling guilty, so I normally participate in events like this for some social aspect (prime example - Ragnar). Therefore, finishing a half marathon, by myself, is a very big deal for me.
I felt alone.
Yes, pathetic.
Jason was out of town until later in the evening. He knew I was upset. After he got home, he made me a fabulous (and Whole30) dinner and asked me who I was comparing my performance to. Dangit Jason, there you go again. He made a good point, I achieved my personal best half marathon time on Sunday.
So, why am I upset? I am so petty. I had two ridiculous things going on here. First, I felt awful and wasted precious moments making myself miserable by agonizing over my terrible time. Terrible compared to WHO? I kept telling people I didn't care about time and that I just wanted to cross that finish line anyways... turns out my mind and my heart had some fundamental differences on this one...darn that heart, trying to find new ways to deceive me! The logical part of me was only expecting to do as well as I trained to (duh). Does my pride always make me so pitiful?
Second, while I had initially planned to do this run with Jason and friends, I eventually signed up (with full knowledge that they may not) because I decided to run this for ME. I decided to set a goal and finish a half marathon. I did have a fabulous friend cheer me on just after the 5 mile mark, and this was the highlight of my run. I wasn't expecting her to be there, because I did not ask anyone to be there. While I was running I heard plenty of cheers from bystanders (and even gave a few high fives), but it turns out I really wanted someone to be there FOR ME. I cannot say how much my friend at mile 5 meant to me...seriously, if you know someone doing an event like this go out and show them some love! At the finish line, I just so desperately wanted someone there to be proud of and celebrate with me. I should have gone out to lunch and ate the darn pizza.
Why do I care so much about trying to impress other people? It's not like I ever had any chance of being a real competitor. I got off the couch, made it to the start line, and didn't collapse at any point during the 13.1 miles. I kept going. This is awesome! I finished a half marathon! If I do another (as if anyone could ever convince me of such a thing, ha!) I would definitely do it a bit differently (Jason claims I'll be training for another in no time at all, and he is probably right). I would like to run with someone, and have a training partner. Whether they run at the wildly slow pace my legs can muster or race ahead of me, we can at least meet in the beer garden and take our own celebratory selfies.
The half marathon may not be my forte. I might find that a 10k hits my sweet spot, or maybe even that is beyond what I consider 'fun' running. And that's okay. Regardless, I still plan to put on my compression sleeves and take a spin in my running shoes, because even at my happy 4 miles, I am a runner.
You do not need to be fast. You don't need to be strong. You don't have to be ashamed by the small distances you put on your shoes. You don't have to be embarrassed and justify yourself. 1/2 mile to start, I dare you. All you need is to go out and DO IT. Nike nailed it on this one.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Whole30: Helpful or Harmful?
Wow - we made it to day 18. Week two is over, and then only a couple more days until I can start a single digit countdown.
As I mentioned before, I like to read the Whole30® timeline. I find it incredibly helpful to know how this way of eating changes your body - and the side effects to get there. Day 12 was awful for me. I was in a crabby mood, I really wanted a beer...like REALLY. It was hard. I was being pretty moody, and guess who had to deal with it? My dear husband. He is so great. Sometimes, I get so mad at him because he is so lovable...it's pretty silly.
Anyways, we were in the car heading to an Elysian tap takeover (that's right, I scheduled my Whole30 during Bellingham Beer Week. Apparently my subconscious really wanted to test my willpower). I could have stayed home, but Jason needed (and wanted) to be there for work, and I like hanging out with him. So, we are on our way there, and I can't recall how the conversation ended up there, but we started talking about my terrible attitude. Oh boy, you can only imagine me - eye rolling, big sighs, looks that could kill...I told Jason I was ready to quit Whole30, that it was a terrible idea, and dumb, and he preceded to ask me "Why are you doing the Whole30?" Ugh, this made me fume. I got so mad, because he asked what I did not want to hear. I think my response was pretty childish and snobby, somewhere along the lines of 'It doesn't even matter, I'm quitting anyways'.
Oh Jason, most of the time he knows just the right amount of tough love that I need. (Jason, if you are reading this, please don't let this go to your head, I need hugs, too!). He said something, and responded with another snarky remark, but he got me thinking. He asked again what the purpose was for me spending 30 days eating healthy. I pulled out my phone, looked up the timeline, and read this:
I was thinking about it this morning, and at what point is taking on a challenge like the Whole30 detrimental? I was reading through some of the website, and stumbled on this link The Whole30 Gone Bad. Yes, yes, and yes! A challenge like this is NOT for everyone. While the intent is to improve health, it could also be debilitating for someone who already struggles with issues such as eating disorders, or a poor self image.
Something I have been thinking about as I endure this go around, is how this affects me emotionally, and even more importantly, spiritually. I want to make sure that I don't turn this little challenge (because let's face it, this IS little and quite insignificant in the scope of things) into an idol. I want to use my time to glorify God, and to be thankful that I have the opportunity to do this.... I live in a place and have resources so I CAN be choosy about food. But, I have to make sure that I don't lose sight of what really matters, just because I can't eat bread...right now. I'm hoping that practicing discipline in this area of my life will help me focus better in other areas- such as improving myself as a wife, a friend, a daughter, and sister.
Perhaps I'm reaching a little too far here, but I'm hoping this self improvement will lead to good things in those other areas of my life.
As I mentioned before, I like to read the Whole30® timeline. I find it incredibly helpful to know how this way of eating changes your body - and the side effects to get there. Day 12 was awful for me. I was in a crabby mood, I really wanted a beer...like REALLY. It was hard. I was being pretty moody, and guess who had to deal with it? My dear husband. He is so great. Sometimes, I get so mad at him because he is so lovable...it's pretty silly.
Anyways, we were in the car heading to an Elysian tap takeover (that's right, I scheduled my Whole30 during Bellingham Beer Week. Apparently my subconscious really wanted to test my willpower). I could have stayed home, but Jason needed (and wanted) to be there for work, and I like hanging out with him. So, we are on our way there, and I can't recall how the conversation ended up there, but we started talking about my terrible attitude. Oh boy, you can only imagine me - eye rolling, big sighs, looks that could kill...I told Jason I was ready to quit Whole30, that it was a terrible idea, and dumb, and he preceded to ask me "Why are you doing the Whole30?" Ugh, this made me fume. I got so mad, because he asked what I did not want to hear. I think my response was pretty childish and snobby, somewhere along the lines of 'It doesn't even matter, I'm quitting anyways'.
Oh Jason, most of the time he knows just the right amount of tough love that I need. (Jason, if you are reading this, please don't let this go to your head, I need hugs, too!). He said something, and responded with another snarky remark, but he got me thinking. He asked again what the purpose was for me spending 30 days eating healthy. I pulled out my phone, looked up the timeline, and read this:
Days 10-11: The Hardest Days.
Fact: you are most likely to quit your Whole30 program on Day 10 or 11. By this point, the newness of the program has worn off. You’ve made it through most of the unpleasant physical milestones, but you’ve yet to experience any of the “magic” the program promises. You’re still struggling to establish your new routine (read: you’ve eaten eggs prepared ten different ways over the last ten days), and while you’ve been trying really hard to have a good attitude, today you are incredibly aware of all the foods you’re “choosing not to eat right now.” Everywhere you look, you see the things you “can’t” have: the melted cheese on a greasy burger, the creaminess of that double-scoop cone, the cold beer in your best friend’s tailgate cooler. Dammit, this is hard! And right now you’re wondering if the results will really be as good as “they” all say it is.
You’re cranky, you’re impatient, and you’re really, really tempted to just eat the stupid cheese.
This is where you really start to experience the psychological hold that your food habits have on you. You’ve put in a lot of effort to get to where you are right now, but you’re still waiting for the results you’re hoping to see. Your brain tells you that you deserve some kind of reward (don’t you?) and, of course, we’ve been conditioned to think of food as the best reward out there. Right now, you’re craving that ice cream, beer, or whatever treat you think would make for just the right reward. But, instead of that treat, you’re standing face to face with the realization that you have 20 more days of deprivation ahead of you.
The key here is to redefine your idea of reward. Think long and hard about the foods you’re grieving and ask yourself what need you’re expecting them to fulfill. Are you feeling anxious and looking for reassurance? Are you feeling sad, and looking for something to cheer you up? Are you worried you won’t successfully finish the program, and it’s easier to self-sabotage than fail? Remind yourself that food cannot fill that void for you—cannot make you feel truly accomplished, comforted, calm, happy, beautiful. Then, find another way to fill that need that does not involve those foods. Prepare yourselves for these days, knowing that all you have to do is see them through to the other side before things get much, much easier.Well, poo. This sounds familiar. Meanwhile, Jason is still talking to me and I'm ignoring him, which he notices and brings me back to our unpleasant conversation. I snap at him with 'NO, I'm reading the timeline!' At which point, I can't help but feel my lips start to twitch with a small smile. Then, I read the timeline to him. From there, reality hits me and I apologize for my appalling behavior.
- See more at: http://whole30.com/2013/08/revised-timeline/#sthash.qertFxTS.dpuf
I was thinking about it this morning, and at what point is taking on a challenge like the Whole30 detrimental? I was reading through some of the website, and stumbled on this link The Whole30 Gone Bad. Yes, yes, and yes! A challenge like this is NOT for everyone. While the intent is to improve health, it could also be debilitating for someone who already struggles with issues such as eating disorders, or a poor self image.
Something I have been thinking about as I endure this go around, is how this affects me emotionally, and even more importantly, spiritually. I want to make sure that I don't turn this little challenge (because let's face it, this IS little and quite insignificant in the scope of things) into an idol. I want to use my time to glorify God, and to be thankful that I have the opportunity to do this.... I live in a place and have resources so I CAN be choosy about food. But, I have to make sure that I don't lose sight of what really matters, just because I can't eat bread...right now. I'm hoping that practicing discipline in this area of my life will help me focus better in other areas- such as improving myself as a wife, a friend, a daughter, and sister.
Perhaps I'm reaching a little too far here, but I'm hoping this self improvement will lead to good things in those other areas of my life.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Whole30: Week 1
Thank goodness for black coffee.
I think that's all I have to say...
Just kidding. There is so much to say about this adventure. Right now, I'm feeling good. I think having attempted a Whole30 before gives me a better perspective. Knowing what to expect is the hardest part - I mean, you're just eating healthy, it can't be that hard, right? Actually, it IS hard, and I think the biggest challenge right now, is explaining my choice to other people. Some are encouraging, and even interested to know how it's going, others tend to taunt you by waving ALL the yummy things you can't eat in your face...or by asking you to hold their beer...which is just plain rude.
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Sweet Potato hash w/egg |
Overall, compared to my prior experience, I think I am doing great. I haven't had much in terms of cravings. I have been a bit tired physically, but my mind feels clear. My digestive system feels like it is adjusting, and I'm noticing I need to eat more. This weekend we stocked up our fridge and actually planned out our meals, so I will be having yummy sweet potatoes for breakfast this week, paleo lasagna for dinner (complete with leftovers for lunch), then Italian herb chicken alfredo (made with coconut milk) and Cajun pork burgers, among other things.
On Saturday Jason and I went for a short run, and I was miserable. Day 5 = Ø Energy. Sunday evening we did a slightly longer run and then played indoor soccer, and I felt a bit more alive. The half marathon I'm running is only 3 weeks away, so I'm hoping my physical energy improves quickly! I developed shin splints back in July, so I took most of August off for running, and finally had no pain while running this weekend (!!!!). I'm disappointed that I didn't spend the month of August training, but my goal is to complete the half marathon, not collapse halfway through because my shin splits in half. My only competitor is me, and I'm in it to win it! Oops, rabbit trail... anyways, I felt slightly better about exercise the last few evenings, and hoping it only gets better from here.
There are a couple of folks who have embarked on the Whole30® adventure with me, and it has been encouraging to touch base with them and compare experiences (my loving husband is included in this, but he has decided to allow alcohol). On Saturday, my dear friend Amanda and I went to a birthday party. The party consisted of chicken and carne tacos, lots of yummy sides and desserts, tasty beer, and intriguing mixed drinks. I am proud to say that we made it work! No IPA, no Kettle Chips, no alcohol, no cheese...we did it. We brought Pico de Gallo and guacamole to share, which we smothered over our plate of meat. It was delicious! Amanda has a harder time staying hydrated, so she got creative with her H2O by throwing fruit in a jar with her drinking water, which she kept refilling all day.
Seriously, this was an awesome meal:
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Plate of Carne Asada smothered in Guacamole and Pico de Gallo |
As a group, we have noticed our bodies adjusting to this different way of eating. Whether it be headaches, digestive issues, tiredness, or in my case yesterday, disorganized speech and thought (not sure if this was from W30 or just my normal self), our bodies are rebalancing in response to our better food choices. Don't worry, I'll keep you posted to let you know about the GOOD outcomes of this adventure - we just have to finish the 'cleansing' phase (if you can call it that) first.
The Whole30 website has this great timeline outlining what to expect from your mind and body during the program.
Have you ever done a cleanse or some other type of healthy eating challenge? If so, how did it go for you? What helped you succeed?
On to week number two.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Whole30: Day 1
First days tend to be simple and exciting. Today is not that.
I feel like I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I have a headache, my eyes are heavy, and my overall mood is mildy morose. You know how sometimes you need a vacation from your vacation? Well, I feel that way. One more day off might have done the trick. Or maybe not. Who knows?
This last weekend was a bit of a whirlwind, it involved a wine and cheese tasting at my home, then a weekend away with friends. Friday night I discovered that we didn't have any hot water at home. Unfortunately, at that point in time the hardware store was closed, and we were leaving first thing in the morning for a trip to a rustic cabin (which had NO running water). Thankfully, come Monday evening, we were able to boil water for a bath. Meanwhile, my clever husband repaired the water heater so we had hot showers in the morning. I am so thankful that we live in circumstances where I never have to go without these amenities - I also feel a bit petty...but that's not what I'm here to discuss today.
The moral of the story is that we were either busy, or I was 'busy' being lazy, and did not plan out my week of meals. I'm going to try and keep it simple this week, and perhaps get more creative for week 2.
Today, I had:
I have also debated adding back quinoa, because quinoa seems to be a 'grain outlier'...but I haven't decided yet.
I am disappointed with my poor time management which did not allow me time to cook my steak, but overall, I would say Day 1 was successful. 29 more to go.
I feel like I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I have a headache, my eyes are heavy, and my overall mood is mildy morose. You know how sometimes you need a vacation from your vacation? Well, I feel that way. One more day off might have done the trick. Or maybe not. Who knows?
This last weekend was a bit of a whirlwind, it involved a wine and cheese tasting at my home, then a weekend away with friends. Friday night I discovered that we didn't have any hot water at home. Unfortunately, at that point in time the hardware store was closed, and we were leaving first thing in the morning for a trip to a rustic cabin (which had NO running water). Thankfully, come Monday evening, we were able to boil water for a bath. Meanwhile, my clever husband repaired the water heater so we had hot showers in the morning. I am so thankful that we live in circumstances where I never have to go without these amenities - I also feel a bit petty...but that's not what I'm here to discuss today.
The moral of the story is that we were either busy, or I was 'busy' being lazy, and did not plan out my week of meals. I'm going to try and keep it simple this week, and perhaps get more creative for week 2.
Today, I had:
- Breakfast - Black coffee and quiche (crust made with zucchini)
- Snack - Banana
- Lunch - chicken and salad
- Dinner - sweet potatoes and
steakbananas, nuts, blueberries (long story, NOT a great dinner. Oops)
I have also debated adding back quinoa, because quinoa seems to be a 'grain outlier'...but I haven't decided yet.
I am disappointed with my poor time management which did not allow me time to cook my steak, but overall, I would say Day 1 was successful. 29 more to go.
Monday, September 1, 2014
30 Days of Healthy Choices
Wow, I feel like I have a lot to say on this, but don't know where to begin.
Last year my husband and I participated in a Whole30®. Over the last several months we (more specifically, I) have fallen into poor eating habits....so, it is time to do it again and remember why we were so impressed the first time around.
The website is fantastic, so I don't need to tell you much about how Whole30 works. What I will tell you though, is that it does work. When I fuel my body with healthy foods I feel better. I sleep well. I have more energy. My skin clears up. My digestive system feels good. Headaches disappear. I am a better person.
I know, you are probably thinking that this is a load of horse pucky (that's right, I said it) and that in moderation, you can consume whatever you want. I agree...and trust me, I am going to miss chocolate very, very much. In fact, after a long weekend of eating tasty foods (like goat cheese and kettle chips) and drinking delicious wine, I am almost regretting my decision.... almost.
To back out before I even begin would be ridiculous.
Here we go.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Why I Always Expect To Be Busy
Sometimes I find myself asking questions like, is this worth it? or do I have time for this? Or, something I see a lot now days: Are you too busy? Slow down!
I find myself frequenting these question like you might a coffee shop. It is like a habit, daily routine, methodical thought-numbing process. On one hand, this thinking causes me to doubt myself more often.... On the other hand, I am also learning to think twice before saying yes.
God does not reward his people for sitting idly, waiting for Him to make the first move. Sure, it might happen sometimes...but more often than not, God wants us to take action. A few examples of this are in Proverbs 31:27, and Matthew 20:1-16 (1 Thessalonians 5:14 even says that we should admonish and encourage the idle!)
I am constantly wondering if my time and energy are spent in such a way that I am not a part of this 'idle' category. I will be the first to admit that I am a great procrastinator, I enjoy a lazy Saturday afternoon (who am I kidding? Sunday too!) and I do not always use my time wisely.
However, my husband and I are also doers. We like to pour into our friends and family. We want to fellowship with other Christians. We appreciate spending time together doing things we love. We like to hit up the gym after work so we can keep our bodies healthy. We spend time studying at home so we can reach our professional goals. We play soccer. We host, or attend, social events and bible studies. We enjoy the feeling of accomplishment after a hard day of work, around the house or at the office. We both work full-time jobs.
Most of the time, we ARE busy.
Is that so bad?
"Youth is wasted on the young." - George Bernard ShawI often hear this quote, and wonder if I am one of the young who is wasting away my youth. I frequently find myself wishing that time would slow down so that I could revel in the moment. It hasn't, and never will. While our system isn't perfect, we try to pick and choose which things that are worth our time, and those that aren't. Sometimes, it is a challenging decision. I won't deny that there are things lacking in our life. Like most others, we could spend more time in God's word, less time on Netflix, and be better prayer partners for one another. And, those are things we have to work at (perhaps sleep should be added to that list as well!).
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Jason is very busy snuggling Citra |
Another thing I see quite often are articles or blog posts discussing the negative points to being busy. They say if you are 'too busy' that you aren't managing your time well. That you are probably lazy, or selfish, or petty... and the list goes on.
I am not saying that the type of busy my husband and I experience does not have its downsides, because it does. Sometimes we are exhausted, and don't get around to cleaning the house, taking care of this n' that, or doing the other things we want. However, over the last few years I think we have significantly changed how we value our time, and this has led to good things for us...and I sincerely hope it continues to do so!
I have come to realize that I will ALWAYS have a to-do list. And I am okay with that.
Busy becomes a problem when your 'busy-ness' detracts from the things that really matter. For us, those things are God, our marriage, and relationships with family and friends.
Oddly enough, those things that matter are one of the reasons we are, in fact, busy.
I hope that we can continue to grow in this and learn to be more discerning with our time. After all, we don't know how much of it we have on this earth.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Prepping for Ragnar
So, I'm packing for Ragnar, and I have made a mess in my living room. Two days- do I really need this stuff? After some organization and putting separate running gear in plastic bags, I have this mess (it was worse, I promise!):
I have extra clothes, a couple of basic toiletries, safety vests, sunscreen, a travel pillow and backpacking mat.... And I'm not quite set. I still have a couple food items I want to grab, and I will bring a sleeping bag in the off chance I am able to catch some zz's.
When I pack, I normally get out EVERYTHING I might possibly need. Ideally, I start to do this a couple days before I need to be packed. When we went to Hawaii, I think I had my bag out for a week and kept throwing things in as I thought of them. Tomorrow, I will probably look at my pile one last time, weed out the unnecessary items, and call it a day. Let's hope I don't forget any essentials!
I am feeling a little bit nervous for the whole ordeal. I'm running the first leg. Setting the pace. Am I going to start us ahead of or behind schedule? I shouldn't worry too much about it... My goal is to keep a consistent pace and get to the next exchange. No big deal. After my first run, the remaining two will be much easier. The difficulty of my runs get progressively easier, so I have that working in my favor.
When I run, my biggest hurdle is me. Sometimes, I can't get myself out of my head. I know that probably sounds odd, but it is what it is. Physically, my body can keep going, but pushing myself mentally is a big challenge. I'm not really sure why, but it is something I need to improve, and this weekend I have a great opportunity to do so! (Perhaps I will write more about this later).
Anyways, I am looking forward to this new experience. Ragnar will be the first event I have participated in with a distance greater than 5k. I'm very much hoping I enjoy this, because I have signed up for a half marathon in September!
Cheers to new adventures and old socks.
Let's do this!
Friday, July 11, 2014
This is something I constantly find myself struggling with...seriously, just talk to my husband. If you were to ask him what my weaknesses are, he would probably say that indecision is on the top of the list...Actually, he is really nice, so he would probably tell you "she's perfect." Ha-ha, isn't that funny?
I know some people make a list of pros and cons on a yellow legal pad, wait, that's wrong. Who am I kidding? No one uses legal pads...I believe there is an app for that. Ok, let me start over: I am sure many people use their digital devices to make a list of pros/cons, or perhaps they have a better memory and do this mentally (I err on this side, but I don't always remember the list I made, so it isn't the most effective process). Sometimes, the decisions are not that difficult, or at least they shouldn't be.
Should I wear my Toms or my flip flops? Do I want a blizzard with Reeses or Heath? Am I going to study today or take on that mess in my yard? Red or white wine? But then there are the harder decisions: Do I take this job? Do we move across the country? How do I confront someone I care about regarding this or that? Should I take on this new leadership role? How do we know what God wants us to do?
I often hear people say things like: What is the universe telling you to do? Are you sure about this? What feels right? Or, for the Christian, maybe this is a sign from God? Have you prayed about it? God will lead you.
I just don't know. There is so much I don't know, or don't understand in life, in scripture...scripture? I think that is where I need to start.
It seems that we can look at the life of Jesus. What did HE do? What did HE say? How can I implement that into my life?
Unless there is a clear moral answer, can we ever really know what God 'wants' us to do? I'm not sure, but I think we can use the information we have to make a well-informed decision. I'm still working on this Biblically, and trying to figure out how to incorporate prayer and how to 'listen' to God in these situations. This thought is still a work in progress, but here is what I have so far:
I know some people make a list of pros and cons on a yellow legal pad, wait, that's wrong. Who am I kidding? No one uses legal pads...I believe there is an app for that. Ok, let me start over: I am sure many people use their digital devices to make a list of pros/cons, or perhaps they have a better memory and do this mentally (I err on this side, but I don't always remember the list I made, so it isn't the most effective process). Sometimes, the decisions are not that difficult, or at least they shouldn't be.
Should I wear my Toms or my flip flops? Do I want a blizzard with Reeses or Heath? Am I going to study today or take on that mess in my yard? Red or white wine? But then there are the harder decisions: Do I take this job? Do we move across the country? How do I confront someone I care about regarding this or that? Should I take on this new leadership role? How do we know what God wants us to do?
I often hear people say things like: What is the universe telling you to do? Are you sure about this? What feels right? Or, for the Christian, maybe this is a sign from God? Have you prayed about it? God will lead you.
I just don't know. There is so much I don't know, or don't understand in life, in scripture...scripture? I think that is where I need to start.
It seems that we can look at the life of Jesus. What did HE do? What did HE say? How can I implement that into my life?
Unless there is a clear moral answer, can we ever really know what God 'wants' us to do? I'm not sure, but I think we can use the information we have to make a well-informed decision. I'm still working on this Biblically, and trying to figure out how to incorporate prayer and how to 'listen' to God in these situations. This thought is still a work in progress, but here is what I have so far:
1) we should pray and ask God for wisdom
James 1:5 suggests that we should ask God for wisdom. This is much different then asking God to give us a 'sign' or to 'tell' us what to do. In fact,God provides us with the resources we need, including those for decision making.
2) allow the Spirit to be our helper
3) seek counsel from other Godly people
James 1:5 suggests that we should ask God for wisdom. This is much different then asking God to give us a 'sign' or to 'tell' us what to do. In fact,God provides us with the resources we need, including those for decision making.
In John 14 Jesus promises that even in His absence He will be with us. How you ask? The Holy Spirit! Jesus describes the Holy Spirit as a helper who will dwell within us. I don't know about you, but I can use all of the help I can get.. So thank God for the Spirit!
Then, Proverbs is filled with words about seeking wisdom and guidance. Proverbs 8:33 tells us, "Hear instruction and be wise, and do not neglect it." We can seek counsel and advice from those who have gone before us, and from other Godly people. God has provided us with a community to benefit from one another through teaching, fellowship and discipleship. Yet another resource given to us by God - people!
Perhaps, if we pray and ask for wisdom, allow the spirit to reside within us, and seek counsel from other Godly people, God will provide enough. God does not tell us to sit idly and wait for Him to decide for us. So get out your legal pad, use the tools He has given and make decisions faithfully.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
The Crash of Twenty-Thirteen
No, not a stock market crash. Something worse, much, much, worse...Just kidding. Let me get to the point:
A couple weeks ago I posted a picture of Jason and I on our first date. Well, as I was searching for the photo it occurred to me that my hard drives (yes, plural) had crashed several months ago. In fact, I think it was actually last year (hence the crash of 2013). I haven't been taking a lot of photos lately, so this has not been on the top of mind. Anyways, I'm searching for this photo and cannot find it anywhere. I looked in my pile of back-up CDs from ages ago (do people still use those?), I looked on Facebook, Picasa, checked the hard drives I have that DO still work...nothing...then, it occurred to me that I had made a photo book from Shutterfly in the last few years which had those photos! I log in, and there it is! Woohoo!
This weekend, Jason and I completely finished the pond demolition, and proceeded to weed, then fill in the entire area with dirt. We have been working tirelessly on various home projects and were admiring how much we have accomplished:
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The pond extended from the far right of our vegetable garden, under our walkway and all the way to the edge of our windows. It hadn't actually been used in nearly 30 years. |
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More practical than stagnant pond water. |
Now, I know this probably looks pretty insignificant to you, I mean, all we did was move some rocks and pull some weeds? Right?... WRONG. I would love to show you some 'before' pictures, but that too was lost in the hard drive crash of 2013. When we moved in, there was a rose bush the size of my car (okay, maybe 2/3 of that)...roses have been transplanted (and pruned) to a new space, and now we have beautiful hops. The pond and several trees are gone. We have a fire pit, a vegetable garden, and a nice fence.
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The rose bushes were so overgrown that you could not open the gate to our deck. |
Slowly but surely, our sweat equity is bearing returns. Actually, it turns out I enjoy pouring my energy into our home. It feels good to know that I am caring for this space where I will spend several years with my husband, my cat, and maybe someday children (sorry honey, we are NEVER moving). Hard work not only makes me feel accomplished, but it is biblical! Perhaps some of my efforts are spent out of pride and vanity, but I would prefer to hope otherwise. I hope that our efforts are making our home a place where we can better practice hospitality. I want guests to come into my home and feel at ease. Actually, I want them to feel comfortable before they even get to the door. When we are comfortable we start to lower the guard and become vulnerable. I diverge, this is not what this post was intended to be about. I'm sure hospitality will be a topic for another day!
Anyways, the point is that I am disappointed in these now non-functioning hard drives... my trip to Australia, our honeymoon, and random moments from here n'there were on those devices. Surprisingly, I am not too upset. However, I am wondering how I am going to store photos from here out. Simple is preferable.
So, all of that to say, I have a question for all of you. What do you rely on for digital storage? Discs? Hard drive? The cloud? Any specific programs or providers? There are downfalls to each - CDs and hard drives will not last forever, online storage is likely to have some sort of ongoing subscription cost, etc.
Your turn.
sweat equity,
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Put That Gun Away, Please
Another shooting. Already? The shooting at SPU was only 5 days ago. Then, 2 days ago there was a shooting in Las Vegas. And now, a shooting at Reynolds High School in Troutdale, OR. Lord help us.
I remember sitting in an elementary school classroom when our teacher had to tell us that there was a shooting at Thurston High School...I didn't know anyone at Thurston, but some of my classmates did... cousins, brothers and sisters of their friends, a daughter of mom's friend who had babysat for them a few times before... At the time, I don't really think I fully understood what was happening, but I did know it was scary and it was wrong. I thought schools were a safe place?
Sadly, it isn't just shootings, and it isn't just in schools. I recently heard a news report about two 12 year old girls who stabbed another child all in the name of some fictional character (trying to prove allegiance, I believe)... I was too appalled to continue reading the article.
Regardless of political stance, liberals and conservatives alike should both be able to identify that this is a problem. Our society has developed quite the propensity for violence (or so it would seem). I'm not sure if this is attributed to video games, television, or lack of care for the mentally ill. Plus, correlation does not indicate causation, and I have not done the research. Perhaps is just seems that there has been an increase in violent crimes due to faster information sharing, or if actual occurrences are happening more frequently...
I am fearful for my generation, and the next. The thought that we will live in a world where this is frequent, is and should be a saddening. Will these school shootings and other violent acts simply become 'another' news story? I worry that we will become numbed to the emotions that cause us to be compassionate human beings.
What I do know is that we should fervently pray for people who are tempted by the flesh to behave in this way. We should pray that they do not find access to the weapon they are seeking, that they have a moment of clarity before acting, or better yet, that they get the help they need before committing such a crime. We should be in prayer that Christ will abound and knit us together in love, and that we can diligently share His love with those who do not know it. Through Christ, and Christ alone, we can be changed, and made whole again. I sincerely pray for the love and grace of Christ to grow and spread over his people like wildfire.
In the meantime, I pray you have the mind to take these things seriously, and if you choose to keep a weapon in your household that you do so carefully, responsibly and safely.
I remember sitting in an elementary school classroom when our teacher had to tell us that there was a shooting at Thurston High School...I didn't know anyone at Thurston, but some of my classmates did... cousins, brothers and sisters of their friends, a daughter of mom's friend who had babysat for them a few times before... At the time, I don't really think I fully understood what was happening, but I did know it was scary and it was wrong. I thought schools were a safe place?
Sadly, it isn't just shootings, and it isn't just in schools. I recently heard a news report about two 12 year old girls who stabbed another child all in the name of some fictional character (trying to prove allegiance, I believe)... I was too appalled to continue reading the article.
Regardless of political stance, liberals and conservatives alike should both be able to identify that this is a problem. Our society has developed quite the propensity for violence (or so it would seem). I'm not sure if this is attributed to video games, television, or lack of care for the mentally ill. Plus, correlation does not indicate causation, and I have not done the research. Perhaps is just seems that there has been an increase in violent crimes due to faster information sharing, or if actual occurrences are happening more frequently...
I am fearful for my generation, and the next. The thought that we will live in a world where this is frequent, is and should be a saddening. Will these school shootings and other violent acts simply become 'another' news story? I worry that we will become numbed to the emotions that cause us to be compassionate human beings.
What I do know is that we should fervently pray for people who are tempted by the flesh to behave in this way. We should pray that they do not find access to the weapon they are seeking, that they have a moment of clarity before acting, or better yet, that they get the help they need before committing such a crime. We should be in prayer that Christ will abound and knit us together in love, and that we can diligently share His love with those who do not know it. Through Christ, and Christ alone, we can be changed, and made whole again. I sincerely pray for the love and grace of Christ to grow and spread over his people like wildfire.
In the meantime, I pray you have the mind to take these things seriously, and if you choose to keep a weapon in your household that you do so carefully, responsibly and safely.
Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God, and everyone who loves the Father loves whoever has been born of him. By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and obey his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome. For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? 1 John 5:1-5
Saturday, May 31, 2014
WOWZERS! (that's right, I said it.)
What a month! Looking back at what May has brought, I am feeling full. So full. Psalm 23 sums it up pretty well. In May:
What a month! Looking back at what May has brought, I am feeling full. So full. Psalm 23 sums it up pretty well. In May:
- We ran a 5k - I had sub 10 minute miles (this is AWESOME for me!). Afterwards, I made my first breakfast bake and sweet potato hash and got to fellowship with friends.
- No studying this month - so I picked up a handful of books that I am looking forward to reading.
- Great weather for outdoor soccer - we haven't been rained on yet! And, no injuries to report this season. (so far)
- Date-a-versary. Jason and I had our first date 9 years ago. Has it really been that long?
My Junior Prom, May 2005 - We visited Lake Chelan for the first time. Big house. Lots of friends. Wine tasting. Sunshine without the sunburn.
- Jason built me a raised garden. Vegetables have been planted (and are growing). I may have to put him to work on a second garden....
- I am about to sign up for my first half marathon - yikes!
- I spent time and was able to catch up with a few friends I hadn't seen in a looong time.
- We painted our bathroom. This has been on our to-do list for a very. long. time.
....and it may have grossed me out a bit. We may have discovered a dirty mess... ...but now it is clean...Amazing what a little bit of paint can do! - I think we have both had some PR's in crossfit this month. In fact, I have battle wounds from a hero workout called Murph. Learn about the hero, Navy Seal Michael Murphy, here.
My knees...because I still do 'girl' push-ups. |
- Jason is wrapping up the month by spending the weekend in Denver visiting his brother, and today I was able to attend a baby shower for one of my best friends.
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Internal pressure in an external world
Do you ever feel like you just aren't doing it right? Whatever it may be...work, dating/marriage, other relationships, parenting, social skills, evangelizing, right down to the nitty-gritty details, like how those stains come out on laundry day. Life?
Christ instructs us to be in the world, but not to be OF the world. This is hard. Everyday.
We are surrounded by people and media who influence us. We watch, we learn, we listen...and sometimes we think why can't I be like that? Don't let them fool you. They may seem confident, and maybe they are (most of the time). But don't think for a minute that they don't have any insecurities... we all have moments of doubt.
It seems many of the pressures we feel may be self-induced. Do we assume we are inadequate based on the rest of the world? Are we creating problems we don't have?
We are all victim to our own thoughts, and they may go something like this:
Am I keeping up on the house properly? Work is exhausting, should I even be doing this job? Do I belong here? Did I say the right thing? Did I do the right thing? Did he notice my new haircut? Are we still friends? I should call, or should I? Double-guessing yourself. I heard she does it this way, maybe I should do it that way, too. The comparisons. Am I being as good of a wife as so-and-so? Then, the guilt. Oh no, I forgot another birthday. I didn't have time to clean the house before guests arrive. I just want to be more like.... Jesus, help me!
And He does. Every time. When I start to detract my focus from Him, I find the insecurities hiding in the depths of my mind and feel the pressures of the world weigh in on my heart. However, God has provided us with the gift of Christ, who carries our burdens...even when we feel like we can't keep up.
I am never going to get all of it right. Neither are you. So, how do we move forward knowing that old insecurities will wear us down, and new pressures will test us? I am trying my best to learn, keep going when I get it wrong, and most importantly accept the grace that Christ has provided for us.
Christ instructs us to be in the world, but not to be OF the world. This is hard. Everyday.
We are surrounded by people and media who influence us. We watch, we learn, we listen...and sometimes we think why can't I be like that? Don't let them fool you. They may seem confident, and maybe they are (most of the time). But don't think for a minute that they don't have any insecurities... we all have moments of doubt.
It seems many of the pressures we feel may be self-induced. Do we assume we are inadequate based on the rest of the world? Are we creating problems we don't have?
We are all victim to our own thoughts, and they may go something like this:
Am I keeping up on the house properly? Work is exhausting, should I even be doing this job? Do I belong here? Did I say the right thing? Did I do the right thing? Did he notice my new haircut? Are we still friends? I should call, or should I? Double-guessing yourself. I heard she does it this way, maybe I should do it that way, too. The comparisons. Am I being as good of a wife as so-and-so? Then, the guilt. Oh no, I forgot another birthday. I didn't have time to clean the house before guests arrive. I just want to be more like.... Jesus, help me!
And He does. Every time. When I start to detract my focus from Him, I find the insecurities hiding in the depths of my mind and feel the pressures of the world weigh in on my heart. However, God has provided us with the gift of Christ, who carries our burdens...even when we feel like we can't keep up.
I am never going to get all of it right. Neither are you. So, how do we move forward knowing that old insecurities will wear us down, and new pressures will test us? I am trying my best to learn, keep going when I get it wrong, and most importantly accept the grace that Christ has provided for us.
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