just another road

just another road

Thursday, May 22, 2014

In the beginning

Here it goes!

Let me begin by explaining to you why I have decided to begin blogging:
  1. I may have something important to say.  I guess we will find out, eh?
  2. Like many people out there, I love photography.  I take many photos that just end up sitting somewhere on a hard drive - it's time to share!
  3. Communication. I would much rather sit down and talk over a glass of wine, but distance IS an issue.
  4. I want to be accountable to myself to live a better life - I am hoping that blogging will help me to continually strive to improve (because you will be watching!).
  5. I'm a slow mover.  I guess I'll start now.
Okay, so maybe my reasons aren't great, and perhaps I don't have anything fantastic to share...in fact, this blog is going to be cheesy, full of poor grammar, improper punctuation, misspelled words (spell check should help in that regard).  It won't be eloquent, but then again, I'm not here for the poetry. 

For now, this blog is a little bit about my life, my thoughts, and how I am growing through Christ.  A theme may evolve with time, but for now you should expect a little bit of everything, or a lot of nothing.

Cheers friends!

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