just another road

just another road

Monday, September 1, 2014

30 Days of Healthy Choices

Wow, I feel like I have a lot to say on this, but don't know where to begin.  

Last year my husband and I participated in a Whole30®.  Over the last several months we (more specifically, I) have fallen into poor eating habits....so, it is time to do it again and remember why we were so impressed the first time around.

Never heard of Whole30®? Check it out here. Or, a bit more about the program here.

The website is fantastic, so I don't need to tell you much about how Whole30 works.  What I will tell you though, is that it does work.  When I fuel my body with healthy foods I feel better. I sleep well. I have more energy. My skin clears up.  My digestive system feels good. Headaches disappear. I am a better person.

I know, you are probably thinking that this is a load of horse pucky (that's right, I said it) and that in moderation, you can consume whatever you want.  I agree...and trust me, I am going to miss chocolate very, very much.  In fact, after a long weekend of eating tasty foods (like goat cheese and kettle chips) and drinking delicious wine, I am almost regretting my decision.... almost.

To back out before I even begin would be ridiculous.

Here we go.

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